As a team we feel it’s important for us to give back.
Metro Village at any given time are always involved in at least one community project. As a collective Metro Village are firm believers in helping the local community and those around us. If we can help those less fortunate on our doorstep of where we operate we will. Giving back to the local community is one of the ethos’s Metro Village stands for and we are pleased to say the whole team takes this stance.
The first real community cause we were involved with was the funding and re building of the duck shed at Surrey Docks Farm. The team, armed with spanners and screw drivers firstly took down the old duck shed and together erected the new one which stands today. If you head over to Surrey Docks Farm you will see our handy work on display.
Shortly after the duck shed was constructed we were approached by Peter Hills Primary School in their efforts to fundraise in order to relay the outside tarmac and their football pitch. The outside space was deemed unfit for purpose and subsequently closed, so Peter Hills contacted us to discuss a fundraising event they were hosting and if we could participate. The team sponsored that particular event and committed to raising the further and final £10,000 needed.
In our effort to raise £10,000 we have hosted a series of local fundraising events. The Metro Village Summer Ball was a great success in September 2016, with sweeping views of Canary Wharf the event was held at the Doubletree by Hilton in SE16. Following that we hosted the Metro Village quiz night at All Bar One at The o2 which saw teams battle it out against each other to see who could beat our quizmaster.
To continue our relationship with Peter Hills, in January 2017 the school announced they were recruiting for a co-opted school Governor and wanted to open the position up to local businesses. After a gruelling interview process, our very own Nikki Hamersley beat off the competition to become Governor. As a team we think this is an important appointment as it’s a chance to be involved in-depth with the school and offer advice based on a business perspective.
At Metro Village we also run a work experience programme in partnership with Ian Mikardo School. Each Thursday Mustak, a sixth form student works at our Surrey Quays office. This gives him insight into a working environment and life and helps him understand responsibility. To be able to help someone and actually see the difference it makes can be incredibly rewarding, the work we do with Ian Mikardo is very important for the development of the students and it is having a great impact. Seeing the growth in Mustak in terms of his personality, character and his ability to work in an office environment is incredible. He has grown with each task and now has an understanding of responsibility and a working environment, something he has never had before.
Karen Raferty who teaches Mustak and also is spearheading the work experience programme commented “Prior to working with Metro Village Mustak was a shy and quiet student. He wouldn’t get involved in class discussions and debates and would struggle with the social aspects of school life. Since spending time with Metro Village Mustak is now an independent thinker, he will debate with classmates, he is showing us more character and he is thinking about his options post sixth form.”